Handi Handicap Hints

Beginning this Wednesday, April 1, 2015, all rounds of golf are to be recorded for handicap revision purposes. Handicap revisions are sent on the 1st and 15th of each month beginning April through October. Be sure to check your handicap each time you play. You can access handicaps through the computer in the proshop, check out the paper version in the alcove outside of the proshop, or get the MGA/USGA to email you your revision.

All scores posted must be adjusted according to your handicap. Below you will see the maximum score you can take on any given hole. You need to subtract before posting your score.

ALL 0 - 9 handicaps - double bogey is the most you can score on any hole
ALL 10 - 19  handicaps - 7 is the most you can score on any hole
ALL 20 - 29 handicaps - 8 is the most you can score on any hole
ALL 30 - 39 handicaps - 9 is the most you can score on any hole
ALL 40 - 49 handicaps - 10 is the most you can score on any hole

All registration maintenance has almost been completed on the Anoka Golf League roster. Any 2014 member who has not registered for 2015 will be unable to record scores - you will be inactivated. If you want to get in the Anoka Men's Club and be able to play in league events and tournaments and maintain a handicap, you must return your registration form and dues ASAP. If you do not register, you will be unable to record your scores. All registrations turned in after April 1 will be charged a $10 late fee.

If you have any questions regarding handicaps, contact Pat Murray. If you have any questions regarding registration, there are forms in the proshop.